We have educational programs available for any group or school who would like to take advantage of free material for businesses, students or the community.
All educational programs are free and can be tailored for almost any audience.
National Theatre for Children
Every year, we sponsor numerous live theatre shows presented by the Minneapolis-based National Theatre for Children! (NTC). NTC tours the United States presenting lively, interactive educational half-hour shows. NTC dedicates itself to educating young people on important and timely energy-related topics. Coined with printed curriculum materials and teacher guides, these imaginative and customized presentations effectively reach the students, teachers, and parents. NTC is offered to all schools each year at no cost.
Watts Up! Meter
A Watts Up! meter is available for loan to New London Utilities customers from our office. It measures voltage, amperage and the cost of appliances or other equipment operating at 110 VAC (e.g. refrigerators, televisions, etc.). You can find out how much energy your appliances are costing you, or compare your current appliances to new energy efficient models.